Media Monitoring
HERD conducted a self-funded study of month long daily media monitoring of online and social media about from April 29, 2015 immediately after the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. We collected stories reported about the extent of damage (human and resource casualties), aid management, relief and rescue efforts, economic and social impact synthesized and prepared daily reports. A summary report of the month long media monitoring was also prepared. The dissemination of the study was conducted in national and international forums.
HERD conducted a self-funded study of week-long daily media monitoring of online and social media about from April 18 to 25, 2016 to mark the one-year anniversary of April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. We collected stories reported about the review of aid management, relief and rescue efforts, economic and social impact and people’s reactions, synthesized and prepared a special series report.
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