Female Field researchers
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/46
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/46
HERD conducted a self-funded study of month long daily media monitoring of online and social media about from April 29, 2015 immediately after the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. We collected stories...
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/3
The article has shown the increasing number of women seeking abortion facilities in Tehrathum, which has been made legal by the government. It further highlights the increasing number of unmarried wom...
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/43
Almost one month into the incident and news coming from all corners about the effect of the earthquake goes to show the scale of impact it has had upon our country. Destruction has led to disruptions...
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/4
Rebuilding with Resilience has been the order of the day. With the death toll almost reaching 9000, there is increased focus on rebuilding efforts and initiations have been taken – from non...
Read full article: https://herd.org.np/news/5